Top 20 Graphic Design Tips for Non-designers

Top 20 Graphic Design Tips for Non-designers

Oftentimes, particularly individuals within small organizations, find themselves undertaking roles with which they may not be entirely familiar in order to accomplish tasks. This can involve crafting significant presentations, designing flyers, or even drafting invitations.

If you’ve struggled designing visually appealing materials, I’m here to help.

Graphic design encompasses the art and skill of crafting visual communication that is not only effective but also attractive and engaging. Its applications span various domains, including branding, marketing, advertising, education, entertainment, and beyond.

Whether you’re a nonprofit organization, a business owner, a student, or simply pursuing graphic design as a hobby, I’ve compiled some top graphic design tips to aid you in creating designs that are not just appealing but also effective and professional.


Company Logos and Brand Identity

1. Use logos and branding to create identity and recognition. 

Use consistent colors, fonts, and shapes that reflect your brand personality and values.

2. Choose a color scheme that matches your brand identity and the mood of your product or message. 

Use a tool like Coolors to generate harmonious palettes. 

3. Use typography to communicate your message effectively. 

Choose fonts that are legible, appropriate, and consistent. Use no more than two or three fonts in your design.


4. Use white space to create breathing room and clarity. 

Don’t overcrowd your design with too many elements or too much text.

Grid System in Graphic Design

5. Use a grid system. 

It will help align your elements and create a balanced layout. 

Graphic Design Eye Flow Patterns

6. Consider conventional eye flow patterns.

Eye flow is the way that your eye moves or is led around a composition. A graphic design with good eye flow will lead the viewer’s eye throughout the layout, moving from element to element with ease. The most common eye flow patterns are the Z pattern and the F pattern.

Creating a Focal Point in Graphic Design

7. Use focal points to create interest. 

A focal point is an element that attracts the most attention in your design. Use elements such as color, shape, size, or position to create a focal point.

Alignment and Proximity for organization in graphic design

8. Use alignment and proximity to create organization and connection. 

Align elements to create a neat and orderly layout. Use proximity to group related elements and separate unrelated ones. Use margins and padding (the space around an object) to create space and alignment.

Text Hierarchy

9. Use contrast to create hierarchy and focus. 

Make the most important elements stand out by using different sizes, colors, fonts, or shapes. 

Scale, Proportion, and the Golden Ratio in Graphic Design

10. Use scale and proportion to create emphasis and balance. 

Scale elements up or down to create contrast and hierarchy. Use proportion to create a sense of order and harmony. Use the golden ratio or the rule of thirds to create aesthetically pleasing compositions.

Repetition and Consistency create Unity in Graphic Design

11. Use repetition and consistency to create unity and harmony. 

Usually, in graphic design using an element or style one time makes it look out of place (unless used for emphasis). Repeat elements such as colors, fonts, shapes, or icons to create a consistent and coherent design. 

Balance and Symmetry in Graphic design

12. Use balance and symmetry to create stability and calmness. 

Balance elements by distributing them evenly across your design. Use symmetry to create a mirror image of elements along an axis. Use asymmetry to create a dynamic and interesting design.


13. Use images that are relevant, high-quality, and original. 

Avoid using clichéd or generic stock photos. If possible, use your own photos or illustrations.

Icon Library Example

14. Use icons and symbols to convey information quickly and visually. 

Use a tool like Font Awesome to access a large library of icons for various purposes. Make sure you stay consistent with the style of icon throughout. 

Using Shapes and Lines to create structure

15. Use shapes and lines to create interest and structure.

Use circles, squares, triangles, or other geometric shapes to add variety and contrast to your design. Use lines to separate, connect, or emphasize elements. But remember, less is usually more, so don’t go overboard.

16. Use gradients and shadows to create depth and realism. 

Use a tool like CSS Gradient to generate smooth and colorful gradients for your backgrounds or elements. Use shadows to create a sense of light and dimension.

Gradients, shaddows, patterns and Textures in graphic design.

17. Use patterns and textures to create richness and variety. 

Use a tool like Subtle Patterns to access a collection of subtle and elegant patterns for your backgrounds or elements. Use textures to create a tactile and organic feel.

Use of charts and Graphs in graphic design

18. Use charts and graphs to display data and statistics. 

Use a tool like Chart.js to create responsive and customizable charts and graphs for your data. Use colors, labels, and legends to make your charts and graphs easy to understand and compare.

What are Widows, Orphans and runts in graphic design

19. Clean up how your text is displayed.

Fix any words that got auto-hyphenated (breaking the word to start a new line), and any widows, runts, and orphans. Adjust any awkward letter or line spacings—too much can be just as hard to read as too little.

20. Use tools and resources to save time and effort. 

Use a tool like Creative Market and Adobe Stock to access and purchase ready-made design assets such as fonts, icons, graphics, templates, and more. Use a tool like Unsplash to access and download free and high-quality photos for your design.

Like these tips and want to keep them handy? Download our free ebook.

The Power of Employee Reviews in Small Businesses and Nonprofits

The Power of Employee Reviews in Small Businesses and Nonprofits

The Power of Employee Reviews in Small Businesses and Nonprofits


In the fast-paced world of small businesses and nonprofits, every individual is a vital contributor, a driving force behind the scenes, and an integral part of the collective journey toward success. While daily feedback keeps us on track, there’s something truly exceptional about the occasional sit-down employee review to discuss goals, both personal and professional. Today, we delve into the significance of Employee Reviews, why they matter, and how modern reviews are shaping the landscape of these organizations.

Why Employee Reviews Matter:

  • Alignment: The cornerstone of any thriving organization is its mission and objectives. Employee Reviews ensure that every team member is aligned with these overarching goals. They provide clarity, helping individuals understand their unique roles within the bigger picture.
  • Personal Growth: Employee Reviews offer a valuable opportunity for personal growth discussions. They serve as a platform to set clear paths for career development within the organization, helping employees realize their potential and aspirations.
  • Motivation: Feedback and recognition are powerful motivators. Regular reviews ensure that employees feel valued for their contributions, which, in turn, boosts their motivation and productivity. When employees feel appreciated, they are more likely to go above and beyond in their roles.
  • Continuous Improvement: Small businesses and nonprofits are known for their agility. Year-end reviews summarize the progress made, serving as a foundation for improvements in the upcoming year. These reviews ensure that the organization remains adaptable and responsive to changing circumstances.
  • Retaining Talent: Identifying and addressing concerns or issues is crucial for retaining top talent. Employee Reviews provide a platform to discuss any challenges faced by team members and work collaboratively on solutions. This proactive approach can significantly impact talent retention.

Modern vs. Traditional Employee Reviews:

  • Frequency: Modern reviews are more frequent, focusing on ongoing feedback rather than an annual event. This approach keeps everyone in the loop, minimizes surprises, and ensures that feedback is relevant and timely.
  • Two-way Communication: Modern reviews are a two-way street. They encourage employees to voice their opinions, aspirations, and concerns, fostering open dialogue between team members and management.
  • Goal-Centric: These reviews are highly goal-centric, emphasizing personal and professional development goals that are both meaningful and achievable. It’s about setting targets that resonate with each individual and contribute to the organization’s success.
  • Technology Integration: Many small businesses and nonprofits are embracing technology for performance tracking and feedback. This integration makes the process more efficient, transparent, and accessible for all parties involved.
  • Recognition: In modern reviews, recognition and appreciation are not just reserved for annual events. Regular reviews encompass regular recognition, maintaining high morale and motivation throughout the year.

Every employee is more than just a team member in the world of small businesses and nonprofits; they are the lifeblood, the driving force, and the beating heart of the organization. Employee Reviews serve as a compass, guiding the way to success, and ensuring that each individual’s contributions are acknowledged and valued.

So, whether you’re gearing up for those year-end reviews or embracing the modern approach to ongoing feedback, remember that your dedication and hard work play a pivotal role in shaping the future of your organization. Together, we create a tapestry of impact that touches lives, inspires change, and shapes a brighter future for all.

Need help with your review? Let us know, we’re happy to help!

The Impact of High Turnover Rates at Startups

The Impact of High Turnover Rates at Startups

The Impact of High Turnover Rates at Startups

Startups are known for their innovative ideas, agility, and fast-paced work environments. However, one common challenge they face is high employee turnover rates. Rapid talent turnover can significantly impact a startup’s progress and hinder its growth potential. In this blog post, we will explore the implications of high turnover rates on startups and discuss why outsourcing to agencies can be a wise choice to mitigate these challenges.

The Challenge of High Turnover Rates at Startups

Employee turnover refers to the rate at which employees leave a company and need to be replaced. Startups often experience higher turnover rates compared to more established companies. According to a study by BambooHR, small businesses with fewer than 100 employees experience an average annual turnover rate of 19.8% [1]. This turnover can be attributed to various factors, such as limited resources, intense workloads, and increased competition for talent.

Impacts on Progress and Growth

High employee turnover can result in a significant loss of knowledge and expertise. When experienced employees leave, they take valuable insights, industry-specific knowledge, and skills acquired during their tenure. This loss can slow down progress and hinder innovation within the startup.

In addition,  frequent turnover can disrupt team dynamics and negatively impact collaboration. Constantly integrating new team members and acclimating them to the company’s culture and processes can divert valuable time and resources away from core business activities. This disruption can hamper productivity and hinder progress.

Lastly, hiring and training new employees is a costly and time-consuming process. Often operating with limited resources, startups may find it challenging to allocate sufficient funds and time to consistently recruit and onboard new talent. The financial strain and delays associated with frequent recruitment cycles can impede progress and slow growth.

The Benefits of Outsourcing to Agencies

To mitigate the challenges posed by high turnover rates, startups can consider outsourcing certain functions to agencies specializing in those areas. Here are a few reasons why outsourcing can be a wise choice:

    • Access to Expertise:

      Outsourcing to specialized agencies provides startups access to a pool of skilled professionals who are experts in their respective fields. These agencies often have a track record of successful projects and possess the industry-specific knowledge and experience that startups may lack internally. By leveraging this expertise, startups can accelerate progress and achieve better outcomes.

    • Cost and Time Efficiency:

      Outsourcing can be a cost-effective solution for startups compared to hiring full-time employees. By outsourcing specific tasks or projects, startups can reduce recruitment and training costs and overhead expenses associated with employee benefits and infrastructure. Additionally, outsourcing allows startups to tap into a talent pool without investing extensive time and effort in recruitment.

High turnover rates can pose significant challenges to startups and hinder their progress and growth. By recognizing the implications of turnover and considering outsourcing to specialized agencies, startups can mitigate these challenges and achieve better outcomes. Outsourcing provides access to expertise, cost and time efficiency, and the ability to focus on core competencies. In the competitive startup landscape, leveraging the benefits of outsourcing can be a wise choice to foster progress and drive success.

References: [1] BambooHR: Employee Turnover Report:

Boosting Your Social Media Following: Tips for New Businesses

Boosting Your Social Media Following: Tips for New Businesses

For recently launched startups, building a solid online presence is crucial for reaching their target audience and establishing a strong brand identity. Social media channels play a vital role in achieving these goals, but gaining a significant following can be daunting. However, with the right strategies and approach, startups can increase their social channel following and drive engagement. In this blog, we’ll explore valuable tips to help startups maximize their social media presence and attract a growing audience.

1. Define Your Target Audience:

Understanding your target audience is fundamental for any successful social media strategy. Start by creating buyer personas that outline your ideal customers’ characteristics, interests, and preferences. This will help you tailor your content and messaging to resonate with your audience. Ultimately, increasing the chances of attracting followers who are genuinely interested in your brand.

2. Select the Right Social Channels:

Rather than spreading yourself too thin across multiple social platforms, focus on a few channels that align best with your target audience. Research which platforms your audience is most active on and where your competitors have a strong presence. Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, or others, choose platforms that allow you to showcase your brand effectively and engage with your audience.

3. Create Engaging and Relevant Content:

Consistently sharing valuable, entertaining, and informative content is critical to capturing your audience’s attention. Craft compelling posts that align with your brand identity, including eye-catching visuals, videos, and infographics. Use a mix of content formats, such as behind-the-scenes glimpses, user-generated content, industry news, and engaging questions, to keep your audience interested and encourage interaction.

4. Develop a Content Calendar:

To maintain consistency and organize your efforts, create a content calendar outlining your posting schedule and content themes. This allows you to plan ahead and ensure a steady flow of engaging content. Additionally, consider leveraging social media scheduling tools to automate your posts and optimize efficiency.

5. Encourage User Engagement:

Building a community around your brand is essential for growing your social media following. Actively engage with your followers by promptly responding to comments, messages, and mentions. Encourage discussions by asking questions, running polls, and seeking feedback. User-generated content contests or challenges can also effectively involve your audience and boost your brand’s reach.

6. Collaborate with Influencers and Industry Experts:

Partnering with influencers and industry experts can significantly boost your startup’s social media presence. Identify relevant influencers or thought leaders in your industry and explore potential collaboration opportunities. This could involve guest blogging, co-creating content, or hosting joint webinars or live sessions. Leveraging their established following can expose your brand to a broader audience.

7. Leverage Hashtags and Trending Topics:

Using hashtags strategically effectively increases your social media reach and visibility. Research trending topics and hashtags related to your industry, products, or services, and incorporate them into your posts when relevant. This will help your content appear in search results and reach users interested in similar topics, ultimately increasing your chances of gaining new followers.

8. Cross-Promote Your Social Channels:

Promote your social media channels across all your marketing touchpoints, including your website, blog, email newsletters, and offline events. Add social media icons to your website and encourage visitors to follow your social profiles. Additionally, include social media links in your email signatures and promote your channels during presentations or networking events. This cross-promotion will ensure maximum visibility and attract potential followers from different sources.

While building a following may take time and effort, startups can significantly increase their reach and engagement by implementing these tips. By understanding their target audience, creating compelling content, fostering engagement, collaborating with influencers, and utilizing effective promotion strategies, startups can establish a strong social media presence and connect with their audience on a deeper level. Remember, consistency and quality are key to building a loyal following and driving long-term success for your startup.

Ready to skyrocket your startup’s social media following? Start building your brand today with 6Mixx, contact us to get started!

The Significance of Go-To-Market Strategy for Small Companies and Non-Profits

The Significance of Go-To-Market Strategy for Small Companies and Non-Profits

In today’s competitive business landscape, a well-defined Go-To-Market (GTM) strategy is essential for organizations of all sizes, including small and nonprofit organizations. While larger enterprises often allocate significant resources to develop and communicate their GTM strategies, smaller entities may overlook its importance. However, by implementing a robust GTM strategy and effectively communicating it internally, small companies and nonprofits can maximize their chances of success in the marketplace. 

Why do Go to Market strategies matter for such organizations?


1. Align Efforts and Goals

A GTM strategy provides a clear roadmap for achieving business objectives. In addition, small companies and nonprofits can benefit from aligning their efforts towards a shared vision. A well-defined GTM strategy outlines the target audience, competitive positioning, pricing, marketing channels, and sales approach. Therefore, by communicating this strategy internally, everyone understands the goals and can work cohesively towards achieving them.

2. Leverage Limited Resources

Small companies and nonprofits often operate with limited resources, making it crucial to utilize them effectively. Therefore, a GTM strategy helps in prioritizing activities and optimizing resource allocation. By communicating the strategy internally, employees can focus on critical initiatives, avoid unnecessary detours, and maximize available resources. This alignment helps smaller organizations achieve a more significant impact within their constraints.

3. Build Consistency and Brand Identity

Consistency in messaging and brand identity is vital, regardless of an organization’s size. A GTM strategy ensures that the organization communicates its value proposition consistently across various touchpoints. This alignment strengthens the brand image, builds customer trust, and enhances the organization’s reputation. By effectively communicating the GTM strategy internally, employees understand their role in upholding the brand identity, resulting in a coherent and unified external message.

4. Enable Agile Decision-Making

Small companies and nonprofits must adapt quickly to market changes and evolving customer needs. A GTM strategy provides a framework for agile decision-making. By communicating the strategy internally, employees are equipped with the necessary information to respond promptly to market dynamics. This proactive approach ensures that the organization remains competitive and can seize pop-up opportunities.

5. Empower Employee Ownership

Effective internal communication of the GTM strategy fosters a sense of ownership among employees. When individuals understand how their work contributes to the overall strategy and success of the organization, they become more engaged and motivated. Encouraging open dialogue and seeking input from employees during the communication process enhances their understanding and empowers them to contribute valuable insights and ideas.

Our Best Practices for Communicating Go To Market Strategy Internally.

1. Enable Clear and Transparent Communication

First, communicate the GTM strategy clearly and concisely, avoiding jargon and technical language. Transparency builds trust and enables employees to grasp the strategy’s significance.

2. Engage Employees

Next, create opportunities for two-way communication to encourage dialogue and active participation. In addition, conduct team meetings, workshops, or town hall sessions to address questions, concerns, and suggestions while fostering a sense of inclusion and ownership among employees.

3. Visualize the Strategy

Visual aids such as infographics, presentations, or videos can simplify complex information and make it more accessible to employees. Visual representations of the GTM strategy enhance understanding and retention.

4. Reinforce the Message

Then, continuously reinforce the GTM strategy through regular updates, reminders, and progress reports – keeping the strategy in mind and ensuring its integration into daily operations.

5. Provide Training and Support

Finally, offer training programs and resources to help employees align their skills and knowledge with the GTM

Understand the importance of a Go-To-Market strategy but are unsure where to start? Sign up for a free consultation call today.




Download Your Free GTM Guide Today!

Empowering Non-Profits and Startups for Success

Empowering Non-Profits and Startups for Success

Empowering Non-Profits and Startups - Clients at Table Celebrating

Welcome to the 6Mixx blog, where we delve into the unique focus of our business on nonprofit organizations, small businesses, and startup companies. In this article, we will explore why we prioritize these specific sectors, highlighting the similarities in their resource requirements, their everyday challenges, the founders‘ extensive experience, and the benefits of working with consulting agencies that truly understand their struggles.






Similarities in Resource Requirements

Nonprofits and startups may seem like two distinct entities, but they share several similarities, particularly regarding resource allocation. Both organizations often operate on limited budgets and rely on creative approaches to maximize their impact. 6Mixx is focused on empowering non-profits and startups due to these similarities. 

1. Financial Resources

Nonprofits and startups commonly face financial constraints. They must carefully manage their resources, seek cost-effective solutions, and explore funding opportunities to sustain their operations and achieve their goals.

2. Human Capital

Both nonprofits and startups require dedicated and passionate individuals to drive their missions forward. As resource-constrained organizations, they often rely on small teams with diverse skill sets, wearing multiple hats to cover various operational aspects.

3. Technology and Infrastructure

While nonprofits and startups have different goals, they both benefit from utilizing modern technologies and efficient infrastructures. This allows them to optimize their processes, streamline operations, and expand their reach with limited resources.

Common Challenges

Nonprofits and startups encounter similar hurdles along their journeys, which can impede their growth and success. Understanding these challenges is essential for crafting effective strategies to overcome them.


1. Sustainability

Both nonprofits and startups face the challenge of achieving long-term sustainability. They must develop viable business models, secure funding sources, and establish sustainable revenue streams to continue their work.

2. Visibility and Branding

Building awareness and establishing a solid brand presence is critical for nonprofits and startups. They often need help with limited marketing budgets and the need to differentiate themselves in competitive landscapes to attract donors, customers, or supporters.

3. Capacity Building

As they grow, nonprofits and startups often face the need to enhance their internal capacity. This may involve improving organizational structures, developing leadership skills, and implementing efficient systems and processes to scale their impact.

Founders’ Extensive Experience and Passion

At 6Mixx, our founders have extensive experience working in and with both nonprofit organizations and startups. Their diverse backgrounds have nurtured a deep understanding of the challenges and intricacies inherent to these sectors. Empowering nonprofits and startups is a true passion of theirs.

1. Nonprofit Expertise

Our founders have actively contributed to various non-profits, gaining valuable insights into the unique dynamics of the nonprofit landscape. They have firsthand experience with fundraising, program management, events, sponsorships, and building strategic partnerships.

2. Startup Experience

Additionally, our founders have been actively involved in the startup ecosystem. Understanding the importance of innovation, agility, and adaptability in this fast-paced environment.

3. Passion-Driven Approach

The founders’ genuine passion for both non-profits and startups is a driving force behind 6Mixx’s focus. They firmly believe these organizations are vital in driving positive change and contributing to society’s well-being.


The Value of Specialized Consulting Agencies

Working with consulting agencies specializing in non-profits and startups can benefit organizations. Specialized agencies, like 6Mixx, bring in-depth knowledge and understanding of the unique challenges faced by non-profits and startups. They are well-versed in the industry trends, funding mechanisms, and best practices that can propel these organizations toward success.